Blueberry Oats

These oats are a top favorite and easy breakfast, packed full of whole grains and nutrients – enough to keep you full and ready to go all morning. Oats are an incredible source of fiber which is important for gut health, aiding in digestion as well as having the special quality of regulating blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Blueberries are rich sources of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory components and aid in lowering blood pressure levels.

Some of their antioxidant properties may traverse the blood-brain barrier, potentially providing neuroprotective effects by defending against free radicals—that is, protecting against the “rusting” of the brain. Indeed, blueberries appear to improve memory abilities in older adults exhibiting early cognitive deterioration and may protect against Parkinson’s. Blueberries have also been shown to reduce the oxidative stress in athletes caused by long-distance running and doubling the counts of their natural killer cells, white blood cells that are vital members of the immune system’s rapid-response team against virus-infected and cancerous cells.


1/2 cup rolled oats

1/2 cup water

1/2 cup plant based milk of choice m

1/2 cup blueberries (or mixed berries / raspberry / strawberry)

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp turmeric + a shake of black pepper

Optional toppings (pimp yo’ porridge)

– Nut butter: peanut and almond are a favorite

– coconut flakes

– raisins / goji berry

– seeds: pumpkin, sunflower, ground flax, ground chia, hemp


Put oats, water, milk, blueberries and spices in a pot and heat over low heat for 5-10 min until thick and creamy with a deep colour.

Pour into the bowl and add toppings of choice –> enjoy 🌿

References for nutritional information:


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